The European Summer School is a joint venture between The PhD Programme in Cultural Studies, Literature and the Arts at the University of Copenhagen, The Amsterdam School of Cultural Analysis, The International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture at the University of Giessen, The London Consortium, École Doctorale Esthétique, sciences et technologies des arts, Université de Paris VIII, the Lisbon Consortium, Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis Ljublana and The University of Trondheim.
The partner institutions behind the European Summer School in Cultural Studies initiated this project against the backdrop of a mutual commitment to doctoral training in transdisciplinary cultural studies and to the promotion of interaction between academia and cultural and artistic innovation and creation.
The ESSCS is organised by a Steering Committee composed by the heads of the collaborating doctoral schools, counselled by a senior scholar and a doctoral student from each of the institutions. The members of the Steering Committee will co-ordinate the summer school activities with the activities at their home institutions. Members of the Steering Committee are Frederik Tygstrup, Copenhagen (head), Jaap Koijman, Amsterdam, Ansgar Nünning, Giessen, Steven Connor, London, Catherine Perret, Paris, Isabel Gil, Lisbon, Darko Straijn, Ljubljana and Knut Ove Eliassen, Trondheim.
The summer school sessions are hosted alternating by the partner institutions. The last sessions have taken place in Giessen (2007), Amsterdam (2008), Copenhagen (2009), London (2010), Lisbon (2011).
For further information on the partner institutions, please follow the links below.
Copenhagen Doctoral School of Cultural Studies, University of Copenhagen
International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture, University of Giessen
École Doctorale Esthétique, sciences et technologies des arts, Université de Paris VIII
- PhD Programme in Humanities and the Arts, University of Trondheim